Seybold Report ISSN: 1533-9211
Dr. Rajdeep K.Manwani, Prof. Asha N, Dr Padmavathy.K
Vol 18, No 11 ( 2023 ) | Licensing: CC 4.0 | Pg no: 1-8 | Published on: 11-11-2023
The ultimate outcome of higher education is to make graduates ready to take over the future challenges and excel in their career. This career can either be working as employee (in private company / Government sector) or be a leader of self-start-up (entrepreneurship). Problem solving ability and critical thinking have undoubtedly remained the most essential skills expected from graduates by employers as well as investors / money lending agencies of a start-up. Problem solving ability goes beyond professional life, where it is needed even to manage and lead a happy personal life. The success celebration of any solution depends mainly on how the problem solvers have defined the problem. It is rightly said, ‘A well-defined problem is half solution done’. Design Thinking is a method of solving problems addressing humans' needs and desires in a technologically feasible and strategically viable way. It focuses on achieving practical results and solutions in a multi-disciplinary way. This work describes the use of mind-mapping technique in defining effective problems, ultimately enhancing the problem-solving ability amongst learners with a focus on using Design Thinking approach of Problem-Solving.
Design Thinking, problem solving, mind-mapping