Seybold Report ISSN: 1533-9211
Dr. Meenakshi Singh
Vol 18, No 11 ( 2023 ) | Licensing: CC 4.0 | Pg no: 514-521 | Published on: 30-11-2023
In order to understand the effects of social media usage on employee productivity and organisational culture, this study explores the complex dynamics of this phenomenon in the workplace. The study presents a thorough demographic summary of participants, indicating a preponderance of men and a concentration of individuals within the age range of 20–30. Post-graduate degrees make up the majority of educational backgrounds, indicating a well-educated population with ability to influence attitudes and actions. Interestingly, a sizable percentage of respondents use social media during business hours, raising questions about how this affects productivity at work. The study accepts its shortcomings, including a biassed distribution of genders, and calls for greater in-depth investigation of these dynamics in future studies. Conclusively, this study establishes a foundation for a sophisticated comprehension of the relationship among social media, demography, and workplace dynamics, providing significant perspectives for establishments managing the dynamic terrain of digital communication.
Workplace, Social Media. Worker Efficiency. Culture of the Organisation