Seybold Report ISSN: 1533-9211



Mr Aditya Mishra1, Mrs Swati Agrawal2

Vol 18, No 3 ( 2023 )   |  Licensing: CC 4.0   |   Pg no: 99-108   |   Published on: 30-03-2023

The widespread use of the digital computer has brought about a revolution in structural analysis techniques, which has generally been advantageous to engineers. However, this has made it difficult for engineers to make decisions when choosing the best approach to a problem. The need to construct bridges across wide rivers with alluvial and secure beds, deep gorges, open seas, and grade separators on urban highways necessitates the resolution of numerous engineering issues. Bridges are essential links in the communication system. Over the past two decades, bridge analysis and design have undergone significant transformations worldwide. Some of the reasons for these developments include an increase in the demand for intricate roadway alignments and advancements in computer technology for bridge analysis and design[1,2,3]. Typically the scaffolds are developed straight for effortlessness of development and plan, however once in a while the site condition for span is to such an extent that having straight bridge is beyond the realm of possibilities. In such a case, the skew or curve bridge must be built. The analysis of a straight bridge is relatively simple, whereas the analysis of a skew or curve bridge is somewhat challenging. Computer programs that incorporate a variety of analysis techniques, such as finite element analysis, are used in the process of skew or curve bridge analysis [4,5].


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