Seybold Report ISSN: 1533-9211
Nihal , Arvind Kumar
Vol 18, No 5 ( 2023 ) | Licensing: CC 4.0 | Pg no: 36-44 | Published on: 05-05-2023
In this study, we developed a classification model for plant disease detection using SOTA CNN architecture, specifically the VGG-16 architecture. We also used data and image augmentation techniques to improve the performance of the model. Compared with previous studies using the different SOTA CNN architecture for plant disease detection, we optimized the hyperparameters of the model to obtain a more accurate prediction. The results show that our model performs better prediction than previous studies and demonstrates the efficiency of transfer learning, data and image augmentation holders and hyperparameter optimization in improving the performance of deep learning models for plant disease diagnosis.
deep learning,transfer Learning,image augmentation ,classification