Seybold Report ISSN: 1533-9211
Rr. Niken Purbasari, Armanu Thoyib, Sumiati, Dodi W. Irawanto
1Postgraduate Management Science Doctoral Program Faculty of Economics & Business Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
2,3,4Faculty of Economics & Business Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
Vol 17, No 10 ( 2022 ) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7157349 | Licensing: CC 4.0 | Pg no:1610-1633 | Published on: 07-10-2022
In general, this study was conducted to predict and find that ATM and LOC determine the entrepreneurial motivation of young students and their business performance and that entrepreneurial motivation is an important factor that mediates the effect of ATM and LOC on business performance managed by young entrepreneurs. In Jakarta. The population in this study are young entrepreneurs who own and manage their own businesses with student status at PTN (State Universities) and PTS (Private Universities) in Jakarta. The snowball sampling technique includes the convention sampling technique used for sampling, taking into account technical constraints, namely the difficulty of taking samples from a population whose exact number is unknown and the difficulty of reaching a population spread across existing universities. The number of samples used was 173 students obtained from State Universities and Private Universities in Jakarta. The data will be analyzed using the SEM-PLS method SmartPLS program. The results of this study can predict and find that (1) Attitude toward money affects business performance; (2) Attitude toward money affects entrepreneurial motivation; (3) Locus of control does not affect business performance; (4) Locus of control affects entrepreneurial motivation; (5) Entrepreneurial motivation affects business performance and has an important role as the main factor in improving business performance; (6) Entrepreneurial motivation has a role as a mediator that influences the relationship between attitude toward money and business performance, and (7) Entrepreneurial motivation has a role as an important mediator in influencing the relationship of locus of control to business performance.
business performance, locus of control, entrepreneurial motivation, attitude