Seybold Report ISSN: 1533-9211



1Ashwin Shravan Kumar, 2Dr. Pradeep.S*

Vol 17, No 11 ( 2022 )   |  Licensing: CC 4.0   |   Pg no: 2463-2471   |   Published on: 14-11-2022

Introduction: The ability of the pulp to form reparative dentine is a mechanism that protects pulp tissues from bacte- rial toxins diffusing from carious lesions. The amount of reparative dentine produced is proportionally equal to the amount of dentine destroyed previously. The factors that change dentine permeability includes alteration to the odontoblastic processes that occurs in dentinal tubules and the lining of the tubules, the lamina limitans. Dentinal sclerosis under caries lesion reduces the permeability, thus decreasing the quantity of irritants that are introduced into the pulp Materials and methods: The clinical records of 54 pulp capping cases during the period between January 2020 and 1 March 2021 were . Total number of root canals done after pulp capping were taken into account. Gender and age of the patients were also included in the study. Results: From the above graphs it can be seen that majority of anterior maxillary pulp capping were successful in male compared to females.Direct pulp capping involves the placement of a medicated dressing on the pulp exposure and is indicated when a healthy pulp has been exposed during an operative procedure or trauma. The tooth has to be asymptomatic, and the exposure site has to be pinpoint and free of contamination Conclusion: Within the limitations of the study it can be said that successful pulp capping were mostly reported in indirect type in the upper anterior region.

Anterior, Capping, Innovative, New, Pulp

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