Seybold Report ISSN: 1533-9211
1Bharathi R, 2*Dr. S.Delphine Priscilla Antony
Vol 17, No 11 ( 2022 ) | Licensing: CC 4.0 | Pg no: 2533-2543 | Published on: 14-11-2022
Background: Amalgam is a restorative material especially suitable for class 1 restorations in
teeth that encounter heavy chewing forces. Composite resins are being widely used these days
for restoring posterior teeth due to advances in material aspect and adhesive resin technology.
Aim: To assess the frequency of conservative class 1 amalgam vs conservative class 1 LCR in
maxillary molars. Materials and Methods: Data was retrieved from the dental records. Data
of patients who had class 1 amalgam and class 1 LCR restoration were collected from the
patient management records of the department of conservative dentistry and endodontics.
Patients with class 1 restoration in maxillary molars were shortlisted. Data obtained was
tabulated in excel and analysed using statistical software. Results: Out of 11,152 class 1
restorations performed in maxillary molars, 10,978(98.44%) were composite restoration and
174(1.56%) were amalgam restoration. Conclusion: According to this result, most of the
restorations were done with composite compared to amalgam restoration in maxillary molars.
More awareness should be created about the advantages and disadvantages of both composite
and amalgam to provide appropriate suitable restoration.
Class 1, Composite, Amalgam, Maxillary molars, Restoration, LCR