Seybold Report ISSN: 1533-9211
1Prabhav Kumar Iyer, 2*Dr Sankeerthana Kolli, 3Dr Adimulapu Hima Sandeep
Vol 17, No 11 ( 2022 ) | Licensing: CC 4.0 | Pg no: 2624-2630 | Published on: 14-11-2022
Introduction: The width of pericervical dentin is vital in determining the strength of a root
canal treated tooth. The principles of endodontics states to remove as less pericervical dentin
as possible. In cases of failed root canal treated teeth, it is observed that the width of pericervical
dentin is compromised. Hence, the aim of this study is to analyse the pericemental dentin and
to see its role in the failure of a RC treated tooth
Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was done by analysing the pre operative
radiographs of RC treated mandibular molars which failed and were going for extraction. The
data included were age, gender and the mesial and distal pericervical dentin
measurement(PDM). The measurements were taken using a software which was used to store
the radiographs digitally. The results were tabulated and imported to SPSS version 23 for
statistical analysis.
Results: The mean pericervical dentin measurement(PDM) in the mesial side was 1.06±0.04
mm and the mean pericervical dentin measurement(PDM) in the distal side was 1.06±0.38 mm.
No statistical significance was seen between mean PDM and age and gender.
Conclusion: Mesial and distal width of pericervical dentin cannot be used to assess rate of
success/failure of root canal treated mandibular molars. This model could be repeated in future
studies using 3D imaging to accurately gauge the remaining pericemental dentin volume which
could yield different results.
Pericervical dentin, imaging, RCT, innovative, Dental innovation.