Seybold Report ISSN: 1533-9211
1Vigneshwaran Ravichandran, 2*Dr. Vigneshwar T, 3Dr Adimulapu Hima Sandeep
Vol 17, No 11 ( 2022 ) | Licensing: CC 4.0 | Pg no: 2681-2691 | Published on: 14-11-2022
Introduction: The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic poses a significant global health risk.
As dental care providers, we have major duties to both our dental team and our patients in terms
of limiting virus exposure. The crew is at a significant risk of getting the virus and potentially
transferring it due to the nature of our work. Enforcing adequate social distancing is one of the
most important ways to contain this pandemic. We are faced with the dual problem of
safeguarding ourselves and also our patients from community transmission while still ensuring
that patients have access to urgent/emergency dental care. This study analyses the average
number of patients underwent root canal treatment during the COVID time.
Materials and Methods: The case sheet records (DIAS data) of patients who underwent Root
canal treatment during COVID time were extracted. The data were analysed and transferred to
MS Excel. Descriptive statistics and inferential test (Chi square test) were performed.
Results: Among the total 2330 samples, Majority of the patients (53.5 %) underwent Root
canal treatment were 20 to 40 years old (1246. Patients). Majority of the root canal treatments
(48.6 %) were done in Posterior teeth (1867). The Gender ratio of the patients who underwent
root canal treatment during COVID time was almost equal.
Conclusion: In a COVID-19 high-risk location, endodontic emergencies account for a much
larger proportion of dental emergencies than they would otherwise. During the COVID-19
outbreak, rubber dams, personal protective equipment, and patient screening all play a key role
in keeping physicians safe
COVID; Dental emergencies; Novel method; Root canal treatment