Seybold Report ISSN: 1533-9211
Dr. muayed Abdulkareem Shakir Alnaqib, Dr.Abdusalam Ali Hussein Alnoori, Marwan Thakir Abed
Vol 17, No 12 ( 2022 ) | Licensing: CC 4.0 | Pg no: 3401-3412 | Published on: 30-12-2022
This paper aimed to study to extent the possibility an governance application in University of Anbar , diagnose and measure its dimensions, Context, Mission, and Goals, Management Orientation, Autonomy, Accountability, (Participation these dimensions are from the World Bank's University Governance Card) this examine it changed into released in that area by way of measuring the dimensions of Anbar University governance under the governance card used by the World Bank application and applications get entry to its entrepreneurship and its achievement.
universities governance, governance card, University of anbar