Seybold Report ISSN: 1533-9211
Dhanshree Chilbule
Research Scholor, School of Law, G.H. Raisoni University Amravati
Dr. Sona Kumar
Supervisor and Associate Professor, G H Raisoni Law College, Nagpur
Vol 17, No 07 ( 2022 ) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6940540 | Licensing: CC 4.0 | Pg no: 394-403 | Published on: 29-07-2022
The present study is focus on the importance of environmental protection for the life of human being in present era and the role of national green tribunal in the protection of environment.
The sound, healthy and pollution free environment is basic need of every individual as well as the basic fundamental right under our constitution and other International instruments.
Day by day with the concept of globalisation and urbanisation and with the inventions of advanced technologies life of human being has been very comfortable and luxuries, but development and growth at the cost of environment, this creates un-equilibrium between development and environment protection. This existing un-equilibrium caused many problems like global warming, polluted air and water, acid rain, greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, loss of biodiversity and bad impact on Flora and Fauna. Whole universe has to pay for it .For that it is very essential to deal with this issue and to find out urgent solution.
Pollution free environment is fundamental right under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution present paper enlighten on important issues as ,Whether the existing constitutional and statutory provisions are enough to solve all the environmental problems ?or whether the development is permissible at the cost of environment or health? Or whether development and pollution free environment can exist together? With this questions in mind scholar analysis the role of national green tribunal in the protection of environment and handling of environmental issue
Environment, Protection, Fundamental Right, National Green Tribunal.