Seybold Report ISSN: 1533-9211
1Shalini Sathiyamoorthy, 2*Vigneshwar.T, 3Dr Adimulapu Hima Sandeep
Vol 17, No 11 ( 2022 ) | Licensing: CC 4.0 | Pg no: 2692-2708 | Published on: 14-11-2022
Aim: The aim of the study is to determine the Common composite shades used for restoration
of mandibular molar teeth.
Introduction: Shade selection plays an important role to achieve with a good aesthetic
restoration that harmoniously blends to the natural dentition. Even though the colour may not
be important to the physiological success of a dental restoration, it plays a dominant role in
patient acceptance. Patients are currently demanding esthetic replacement that must match their
existing dentition, and are more concerned about the shade match of their restoration rather
than the quality of the restoration.
Material and Method: The retrospective study was conducted in a university setting. Data was
collected from the patients who visited Saveetha dental college between june 2019 to february
2021. Among 21,843 patients who had reported to the department of conservative dentistry and
endodontics of saveetha dental college, prevalence of Common composite shades used for
restoration of mandibular molar teeth was calculated.
Result: It was noted that the most common age group to undergo treatment for composite
restoration patients in the age group of 18-30 years (58.17%)( figure 1) the most prevalent
gender to undergo this treatment were Male (56.45%) (figure 2), most common treatment
underwent by patients were class 1 LCR(97.89%) (figure 3), most prevalent teeth to be treated
was Tooth number 47 (25.52%) (figure 4), most common shade used was A2 (81.23%) ( figure
Conclusion: Within the limitations of the study, it can be concluded the prevalence of Common
composite shades used for restoration of mandibular molar teeth was most commonly seen in
males than females. Significant association was present between the age, gender with shade
Shade selection, aesthetic restoration, mandibular molar